Grasslands are their only home

Within the grasslands, a significant number of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) y Important Bird Areas (IBAs) that harbor a wealth of biodiversity. For example, thousands of species of vascular plants have been detected in the pampas and plains of the Southern Cone. The diversity of vertebrates is also high. For example, in these grasslands there are:

+ 540 species of birds + of 138 mammals + of 225 reptiles


LUnfortunately, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 130 species are under some degree of threat. Of the 109 bird species recorded, more than one-fifth are globally threatened to some degree.


Even more worrying is that less than 0.2 to 0.5% of these territories are protected by State Protected Areas. For this reason, it is vital to guarantee the long-term protection and recovery of grasslands through conservation and sustainable production plans. In this way, not only biodiversity is protected, but also its cultural and livestock legacy.

Resident and short-distance migratory birds

Strange-tailed tyrant

Alectrurus risora


Saffron-cowled Blackbird

Xanthopsar flavus


Marsh seedeater

Sporophila palustris


Chestnut seedeater

Sporophila cinnamomea


Greater rhea

Rhea americana


Bearded tachuri

Polystictus pectoralis


Grass wren

Cistothorus platensis


Long-distance migratory birds

Swainson's Hawk

Buteo swainsoni



Dolichonyx oryzivorus


Buff-breasted sandpiper

Tryngites subruficollis


Buff-breasted Sandpiper

Calidris subruficollis


Pectoral sandpiper

Calidris melanotos


Upland sandpiper

Bartramia longicauda



Pampas deer

Ozotoceros bezoaricos



Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris


Southern long-nosed armadillo

Dasypus hybridus


Maned wolf

Chrysocyon brachyurus